Saturday, August 19, 2006


Its 11:04pm and I am at work right now. But the whole place is bustling with so much energy that it doesn't feel like its so late at night! Its go-live and the energy and tension around is amazing! Basically, go-live is a two day period in which the project on which I was working on during my internship comes to end. The project was an upgrade project, where the Enterprise Buyer system for Singapore International Airlines (SIA) was changed from EBP 3.5 to SRM 5.0. Hehe, too technical!? The change was mainly in the user interface, making it a lot more user friendly. But also, a few other new features were introduced so that the backend management was a lot neater and the entire system worked a bit faster. I won't bore you all with the technical details! So all this while we were configuring the new system and testing it in the Test Environment. These two days is where we do ALL what we've done for the past few months in the Production Environment. Its an experience, I tell you! I've never seen such commitment anywhere! The fate of the entire project depends on just these two days. If something goes wrong or if they are unable to hand over the working system to the users on Monday morning by 9am, the past six months are all a waste!

Will update this once go-live is done! Gotta get back to work now! Hehe..was waiting for my supervisor to finsih something before I could start with my work!


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