Music to predict volcano erruptions!
I read a BBC article recently in which it was explained how scientists are now using music to help them predict volcanic erruptions. It seems the low-frequency, seismic rumblings of volcanoes can be trasformed into light musical scores. These musical scores are then correlated with precise stages of volcanic activity to help predict an imminent erruption. Quite cool! Researchers in Italy have already created a concerto from the movements of Mount Etna on Sicily!

Presently, the methods to predict an erruption are either to monitor the seismic waves, the number of earthquakes and the intensity of a specific type of quake known as harmonic tremors finally leading to an erruption, OR monitor change in shape of the volcano or concentrations of gases emitted from the cone.
In order to create this volcanic score, an instrument (seismogram) records the timing and intensity of seismic waves. These are then traced onto blank music bars, which is finally overlayed with musical notes. Wonder if we can get hold of some of these musical scores! :P
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