Sunday, August 06, 2006

Working in an open floor office?

Yup, thats me! Currently interning at a company that has an office looking more like an exam hall! Its a HUGE floor with tables lined one behind the other so that the entire office can see exactly what you are doing at work. Unfortunately for me, I'm in the first row...AND with my supervisor right behind me. So how exactly do I do some 'timepass' at work without being thought of as unproductive? workFRIENDLY is an awesome site that basically just converts any site you are reading into a word document. The best part about it is that you do not need to download a thing. Its as simple as entering the URL of the page you wish to read in a text box and voila! Your document is ready!

This isn't all! Just move your cursor over the 'Boss Key' and the page gets automatically converted into a write up on time management. Especially useful when your boss is within reading distance.

Oops! What happens if your organisations internet policies have blocked access to this site!? Well, there is another option - Ghostzilla. But be careful while using this! The network administrator can see everything you do, and this could even get you fired! But for an intern like me, I really doubt they are so vigilant. :D


Blogger sirpsycho said...

haha! yea... i use workfriendly (dont tell my boss :P).. it doesnt create a word document actually..
instead it makes your browser window look like word.. and formats the webpage similar to a word document in that window..
so, even though its a browser window, it looks like a word window with a document inside.
a classic anti-productivity product. brilliant!

1:57 PM  

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